Elementary Students Imagine the Huie Nature Preserve

Representatives from Clayton County Water Authority and Huie Nature Preserve Foundation consultants visited students at Hawthorne Elementary, Elite Scholars Academy, and Mundy Mill High School.

The design team shared concepts and asked the students to draw, write, or otherwise depict their vision for a nature-based play area. Many of the drawings included biking, climbing, jumping, and tree houses that were integrated into the Master Plan concepts.

The students were very interested in a new creative and outdoor play space!


This is an extended learning opportunity for our children.

Dr. Morcease J. Beasley
Superintendent of Clayton County Schools

Twenty Twenty Visionary
After spending more than 10 years creating and distributing media for brands like Coca-Cola, Lexus, Home Depot, Unilever, and Allstate Insurance, we've decided to put those same tools to use creating digital strategies ministry purposes. We're dedicated to teaching leaders how to effectively utilize the power of social media to advance the Kingdom of God.

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